Parts of magazines and books cannot be published on web pages and in printed papers without the permission of the copyright holder. In order to publish pages from the Amstrad CPC magazine Amstrad Action (AA) containing information and reviews of the game Megablasters, I asked the original publisher of the AA, Future Publishing Ltd (FPL), for the permission to do so.
The first time I asked FPL for the permission to publish five scans of the AA I just received this letter acknowledging the receipt of my email. I didn't ever hear anything from FPL again, neither permission nor interdiction to publish the scans.
Six month later I asked again for the permission to publish scans of three AA issues on my web page. This time I issued the people at FPL an ultimatum: This ultimatum said that if I didn't receive a rejection to my request within four weeks, I'll assume FPLs silent consent to my request and publish the scans on my web page.
Again I just received an email acknowledging the receipt of my request and was told that I would shortly receive a response from FPL. Yet again I didn't get any more emails from FPL.
Now over ten weeks have passed since I asked for permission for the second time. I haven't received a permission from FPL to publish these pages, but I also haven't got an email with a rejection of my request. The four week ultimatum ended over six weeks ago, thus I assume FPLs silent consent to my request and thus publish the five scans on my web page.
If anybody from Future Publishing Ltd. finds these scans on my web page and feels that they were published illegally, I herewith wanted to let this person and FPL know, that I tried to get the permission from FPL. I also want to let this person know, that I'm still interested in talking about getting a written permission to publish parts of the AA instead of the "silent consent" I have assumed so far.
Transcript of my email communication with Future Publishing Ltd.
My email address is obscured in the copies of the emails for privacy purposes.
First email to Future Publishing Ltd.

First answer from Future Publishing Ltd.

Second email to Future Publishing Ltd.

Second answer from Future Publishing Ltd.
