Party pictures

CPC Downloads

Hello CPC Freaks,

After finishing all the content pages for the CPC games and CPC demos section I've now finally compiled all the DSK files with the programs, pictures and unfinished game and demo fragments that are presented in the CPC section.

For your convenience the DSK files are collected in two different ZIP archives. In one of these archives all the demos (finished and unfinished) are stored and in the other all the games are located.

To download either archive just click on the according link down below. The DSK files are single sided and compatible to all CPC emulators known to me (i.e. they were tested on Arnimedes, Arnold, Caprice, CPE, No$CPC and Winape). On each DSK file only the runable programs are visible in the directory, so don't worry that you might start the wrong program or an unexecutable binary file. If you have comments please leave them in my guestbook or email them to me directly (using the email address given in the contact section).

The DSK files are free to use as long as you don't alter the DSK files or the files contained in the DSK images. Publishing of these files on other websites beside my own is allowed under the restriction that the NFO files for each DSK image are not altered or omitted from the release and the file names of either the DSK image or the NFO file are not changed. If you intend to put up one or more of these DSK files on your webpage please let me know by sending me a short email with the names of the DSK files you intend to put up on your page, the URL of the page and of the download link and a quick explanation why you want to put up the files on your site.


Click here to download a ZIP archive (1.277.805 Bytes) with all DSK files of my CPC Demos!

Click here to download a ZIP archive (901.273 Bytes) with all DSK files of my CPC Games!

Click here to download a ZIP archive (21 MB) with the original Megablasters Soundtrack!

last updated on Sunday, September 11. 2011 by Odiesoft
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